Uruk Stormer (4C198) is a
Isengard Minion from the The Two Towers set.
DE - German
Card Name
Uruk Angreifer
Game Text
Schaden +1.
Jedes Mal, wenn ein Gefährte oder Verbündeter in einem Kampf getötet wird, an dem ein Uruk-hai beteiligt ist, darfst du einen Ort kontrollieren.
"Sie wankten, wichen zurück und griffen wieder an; und wie das heranwogende Meer hielten sie jedes Mal an einem höheren Punkt an.“
ES - Spanish
Card Name
Agitador Uruk
Game Text
Daño +1. Cada vez que un compañero o aliado muere durante una escaramuza en la que participe un Uruk-hai, puedes tomar el control de un sitio.
“Sorprendidos, las criaturas titubearon, se desbandaron y emprendieron la fuga; pero en seguida volvieron a la carga, dispersándose y atacando de nuevo, y cada vez, como una marea creciente, se detenían en un punto más elevado.”
FR - French
Card Name
Assaillant Ourouk
Game Text
Dégâts +1.
Chaque fois qu’un compagnon ou un allié est tué pendant un combat qui implique un Ourouk-Haï, vous pouvez prendre le contrôle d’un site.
« Ils fléchirent, se débandèrent et s'enfuirent; ils chargèrent encore et se débandèrent à plusieurs reprises; et chaque fois, comme la marée montante, ils s'arrêtaient en un point plus élevé. »
IT - Italian
Card Name
Assaltatore Uruk
Game Text
Danno +1.
Ogni volta che un compagno o un alleato è ucciso durante una schermaglia che coinvolga un Uruk-hai, puoi prendere il controllo di un sito.
‘Vacillarono, ruppero le linee e fuggirono; ma tosto ricominciò la carica, lo scompiglio e di nuovo la carica; ogni volta, come l'alta marea, guadagnavano terreno.'”
Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID
66 9C D0 03
Gameplay Strategy[edit]
In this section, describe:
- General usage
- Unorthodox or subtle usage
- Common pitfalls of using this card
Deckbuilding Strategy[edit]
In this section, describe:
- Cards and strategies this card works well with
- Cards and strategies this card works particularly well or poorly against
- Alternate cards you might consider picking instead of this one, depending on the situation, including alternate version of characters
Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]
Synergizes With...[edit]
- List friendly cards that work well with this card
Strong Versus...[edit]
- List enemy cards this card does well against
Weak Versus...[edit]
- List enemy or friendly cards to avoid playing this card with
In this section:
- Put quotes from the CRDs and Comprehensive Rules here that reference this card specifically by name
- Also put quotes if a particular rule commonly affects the outcome of a card in a subtle manner (such as quoting the Rule of 4 for Saved From the Fire (8R20)
- Link to rules discussions on TLHH
See Also[edit]
- Add links to the wayback machine (or wiki archival links) for official Decipher articles regarding the card
- Link to decks that use this card